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If you are subscribed to the not free (as in beer) Binary Package subscription service of apps.kde.com, you can get precompiled versions of EasySok on apps.kde.com.

Building EasySok from the sources.

Required software

You need to have at least kdelibs and kdebase (if you want to have the online help) installed. You can get these from the KDE hompage. The version should be at least 3.0! If you used rpm- or dep-packages for kdelibs (and qt which it requires), make sure that you also have the devel-packages installed.

It is also highly recommended (though not mandatory), to have libmng installed. You can get it from the libmng hompage. Without libmng you will not be able to export a game as an MNG animation.

Building EasySok from the tar.gz's and tar.bz2's.

Just go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/easysok/ and follow the instructions to download the sources. After unpacking them, type:

./configure <options>
make install
Note that you may have to specify the installation directory of KDE3 with the '--prefix'-option of configure and the directory of Qt3 with the '--with-qt-dir'-option. Just type ./configure --help to get a list with all the available options.

Anonymous CVS access

Just go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/easysok/ and follow the instructions to obtain your copy of the CVS version of EasySok. Note that you must have autoconf and automake installed (get them from the GNU website).

Then type:

make -f Makefile.cvs
./configure <options>
make install
Note that you may have to specify the installation directory of KDE3 with the '--prefix'-option of configure and the directory of Qt3 with the '--with-qt-dir'-option. Just type ./configure --help to get a list with all the available options.

Last modified: Sun May 12 19:39:10 CEST 2002, by Ralf Schmelter