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MapWidget Member List
This is the complete list of members for MapWidget, including all inherited members.
- addArrow(QPoint from, QPoint to)
- configChanged()
- contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
[protected, virtual]
- contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
[protected, virtual]
- contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
[protected, virtual]
- createItems(std::vector< QCanvasSprite *> &items, int type, QPoint const &position, int x, int y, int z) const
- createItems(std::vector< QCanvasSprite *> &items, QPoint const &position, int x, int y, int z) const
- createItems(std::vector< QCanvasSprite *> &items, std::vector< int > image_indices, int x, int y, int z) const
- createPixmapArray(QPixmap const &pixmap) const
- cursorHidden()
- cursorVisible(bool stop_autohide)
- deleteArrows()
- deleteItems(std::vector< QCanvasSprite *> &items) const
- deleteItems()
- deletePixmaps()
- fieldClicked(QPoint point)
- gemMoved(QPoint from, QPoint to)
- getFieldFromPosition(QPoint position) const
- isValidPosition(QPoint position) const
- keeperDirection()
- keeperMoved(QPoint from, QPoint to)
- m_arrow_items
- m_arrows
- m_auto_hide_cursor
- m_canvas
- m_click_field
- m_click_offset
- m_click_position
- m_cursor_hidden
- m_cursor_hide_delay
- m_cursor_timer
- m_disable_auto_hide
- m_force_update
- m_has_scrollbars
- m_in_drag
- m_is_keeper_drag
- m_items
- m_keeper_direction
- m_last_mouse_position
- m_map
- m_map_height
- m_map_width
- m_min_square_size
- m_mouse_repeat_delay
- m_mouse_repeat_rate
- m_mouse_repeat_state
- m_moving_item
- m_pieces
- m_pixmap_provider
- m_pixmaps
- m_repeat_timer
- m_scaling_mode
- m_size
- m_square_size
- m_switch_time
- m_theme
- m_timer
- m_valid_click
- m_virtual_keeper_direction
- m_virtual_keeper_item
- m_virtual_keeper_pos
- m_x_offset
- m_y_offset
- MapWidget(Map const *map, PixmapProvider *pixmap_provider, Theme const *theme, bool disable_auto_hide, QWidget *parent=0, char const *name=0)
- mouseRepeat()
- moveMovingItemPosition(QPoint const &offset)
- newItems()
- placeItems(std::vector< QCanvasSprite *> &items, int x, int y, int z)
- redo()
- resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
[protected, virtual]
- setArrows(std::vector< Move > const &arrows)
- setKeeperDirection(AtomicMove::AtomicMoveType direction)
- setMap(Map const *map)
- setPixmapProvider(PixmapProvider *pixmap_provider, Theme const *theme)
- setVirtualKeeper(const QPoint &position)
- switchToBetterScaling()
- undo()
- updateDisplay()
- updateGeometry()
- virtualKeeper() const
- ~MapWidget()
Generated at Sun Jan 6 18:49:12 2002 for EasySok by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001