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MngAnimationStorer Member List
This is the complete list of members for MngAnimationStorer, including all inherited members.
- allocMNG(mng_size_t length)
[private, static]
- closeMNG(mng_handle handle)
[private, static]
- createPngObject(int index, QImage const &image)
- ERROR enum value
- FINISHED enum value
- freeMNG(mng_ptr pointer, mng_size_t length)
[private, static]
- getBoundingRect(QPoint const &position) const
- m_background_height
- m_background_width
- m_delay
- m_handle
- m_keeper_direction
- m_low_quality
- m_map
- m_moves
- m_offset
- m_piece_size
- m_pixmap_provider
- m_temp_file
- m_theme
- m_url
- m_use_background
- m_use_background_image
- MngAnimationStorer(Map const &map, Movements const &moves, Theme const &theme, int piece_size, int use_background, int start_delay, int delay, bool cycle, int end_delay, bool low_quality, KURL const &url)
- OK enum value
- openMNG(mng_handle handle)
[private, static]
- paintObject(int index, QPoint const &position)
- paintPiece(QPoint const &position)
- proccess()
- Result enum name
- writeMNG(mng_handle handle, mng_ptr buffer, mng_uint32 size, mng_uint32 *written)
[private, static]
- ~MngAnimationStorer()
Generated at Sun Jan 6 18:49:12 2002 for EasySok by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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