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Solver Member List
This is the complete list of members for Solver, including all inherited members.
- actMaxDepth() const
- actMinDepth() const
- assignmentSolver(std::vector< int > &matrix, int dim) const
- bestEffort() const
- collapse()
- depth() const
- doSingleStep()
- EMPTY enum value (defined in Solver)
- expand()
- GEM enum value (defined in Solver)
- GEM_ON_GOAL enum value (defined in Solver)
- getFullMoves() const
- getGemPositions(Map const &map) const
- GOAL enum value (defined in Solver)
- insertInCache(Hash const &hash, int moves_to_solve, int depth, bool calculated)
- isDeadlock(int position, bool ignore_on_goal=false) const
- KEEPER enum value (defined in Solver)
- KEEPER_ON_GOAL enum value (defined in Solver)
- lowerBound(Hash const &hash, int moved_gem_pos, int depth)
- m_act_max_depth
- m_act_min_depth
- m_best_effort
- m_best_effort_lower_bound
- m_best_effort_max_depth
- m_cache
- m_cache_size
- m_deadlock_pattern_lengths
- m_deadlock_pattern_positions
- m_deadlock_patterns
- m_depth
- m_depth_counts
- m_distance_map
- m_empty_map
- m_gem_positions
- m_goal_positions
- m_goals
- m_hashs
- m_height
- m_map
- m_max_cache_size
- m_max_depth
- m_max_depth_counts
- m_max_depth_reached
- m_min_add_depth
- m_min_solve_moves
- m_move_lengths
- m_move_offsets
- m_moves
- m_pos
- m_possible_gem_positions
- m_reachable_map
- m_reachable_map_gem
- m_size
- m_solution_moves
- m_solution_possible
- m_solve_finished
- m_start_map
- m_width
- m_xy_offsets
- maxDepth() const
- maxDepthReached() const
- minMovesForSolution(int moved_gem_pos) const
- moves() const
- movesForGem(int keeper_pos, int gem_pos, int goal_pos) const
- nextMaxDepth() const
- OUTSIDE enum value (defined in Solver)
- PatternType enum name
- percentageCompleted() const
- prepare()
- processEndNodes()
- s_unsolvable
[private, static]
- setupCache()
- setupDeadlockPatterns()
- setupDistanceMap()
- solve(int steps)
- Solver(Map const &map, int cache_size)
- startSearch()
- updateCache(Hash const &hash, int moves_to_solve, int depth)
- validMoves() const
- WALL enum value (defined in Solver)
Generated at Sun Jan 6 18:49:13 2002 for EasySok by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001