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Theme Class Reference

This class represents a theme. More...

#include <theme.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ImageType {

Public Methods

 Theme (QDomElement const &dom_element)
bool hideGems () const
void setHideGems (bool hide)
bool hideGoals () const
void setHideGoals (bool hide)
bool outsideAsWall () const
void setOutsideAsWall (bool outside_as_wall)
QString const & name () const
QString const & backgroundImage () const
QColor backgroundColor () const
std::vector< int > const & imageIndices (ImageType type, QPoint const &position, Map const &map) const
std::vector< int > const & imageIndicesFromPosition (int direction, QPoint const &position, Map const &map) const
PieceImage const & pieceImage (int index) const
int nrOfPieceImages () const
double upperBorder () const
double lowerBorder () const
double leftBorder () const
double rightBorder () const

Private Methods

void addAlternates (QDomElement const &dom_element)
void addPieceImageAlternates (QDomElement const &dom_element)
void addWallPieceAlternates (QDomElement const &dom_element)
void addAlternatesImages (QDomElement const &dom_element)
int patternForPieceImage (QDomElement const &dom_element, QString const &name)
int patternForWallPiece (QDomElement const &dom_element, QString const &name)
int getNonWallPattern (QPoint const &position, Map const &map) const
int getWallPattern (QPoint const &position, Map const &map) const

Private Attributes

QString m_name
double m_upper_border
double m_lower_border
double m_left_border
double m_right_border
QColor m_background_color
QString m_background_image
std::vector< int > m_alternate_starts
std::vector< int > m_alternate_sizes
std::vector< int > m_alternative_piece_image_starts
std::vector< int > m_alternative_piece_image_nr
std::vector< int > m_patterns
std::vector< int > m_piece_image_indices
std::vector< PieceImagem_piece_images
bool m_hide_gems
bool m_hide_goals
bool m_outside_as_wall

Static Private Attributes

char const * s_elements [33]
char const * s_short_elements [33]
int const s_types_for_hidden_gems [33]
int const s_types_for_hidden_goals [33]

Detailed Description

This class represents a theme.

Ralf Schmelter (

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Theme::ImageType

Defines the image types.

Enumeration values:
LEFT_KEEPER_ON_FLOOR   A keeper looking left on a non dead floor.
RIGHT_KEEPER_ON_FLOOR   A keeper looking right on a non dead floor.
UP_KEEPER_ON_FLOOR   A keeper looking up on a non dead floor.
DOWN_KEEPER_ON_FLOOR   A keeper looking down on a non dead floor.
LEFT_KEPPER_ON_DEAD_FLOOR   A keeper looking left on a dead floor.
RIGHT_KEPPER_ON_DEAD_FLOOR   A keeper looking right on a dead floor.
UP_KEPPER_ON_DEAD_FLOOR   A keeper looking up on a dead floor.
DOWN_KEPPER_ON_DEAD_FLOOR   A keeper looking down on a dead floor.
LEFT_KEEPER_ON_GOAL   A keeper looking left on a goal field.
RIGHT_KEEPER_ON_GOAL   A keeper looking right on a goal field.
UP_KEEPER_ON_GOAL   A keeper looking up on a goal field.
DOWN_KEEPER_ON_GOAL   A keeper looking down on a goal field.
LEFT_MOVING_KEEPER   A moving keeper looking left.
RIGHT_MOVING_KEEPER   A moving keeper looking right.
DOWN_MOVING_KEEPER   A moving keeper looking down.
UP_MOVING_KEEPER   A moving keeper looking up.
LEFT_VIRTUAL_KEEPER   The virtual keeper looking left.
RIGHT_VIRTUAL_KEEPER   The virtual keeper looking right.
UP_VIRTUAL_KEEPER   The virtual keeper up.
DOWN_VIRTUAL_KEEPER   The virtual keeper down.
GEM_ON_FLOOR   A gem on a non dead floor.
GEM_ON_DEAD_FLOOR   A gem on a dead floor.
GEM_ON_GOAL   A gem on a goal.
MOVING_GEM   A moving gem.
EMPTY_FLOOR   The empty floor.
EMPTY_DEAD_FLOOR   The empty dead floor.
EMPTY_GOAL   An empty goal field.
LEFT_ARROW   A left arrow.
RIGHT_ARROW   A right arrow.
UP_ARROW   An up arrow.
DOWN_ARROW   A down arrow.
WALL   A wall field.
OUTSIDE   An outside field.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Theme::Theme QDomElement const & dom_element

Creates a theme from an dom element.

dom_element   The dom element to use.

Member Function Documentation

void Theme::addAlternates QDomElement const & dom_element [private]

Adds the alternates of an image type.

dom_element   The dom element to use.

void Theme::addAlternatesImages QDomElement const & dom_element [private]

Addes the alternates piece images of the dom element.

dom_element   The dom element to use.

void Theme::addPieceImageAlternates QDomElement const & dom_element [private]

Adds piece image alternates.

dom_element   The dom element to use.

void Theme::addWallPieceAlternates QDomElement const & dom_element [private]

Adds wall piece alternates.

dom_element   The dom element to use.

QColor Theme::backgroundColor const

Returns the background color, which will be used if we don't have a background image or it could not be loaded.

QString const& Theme::backgroundImage const

Returns the name background image or an empty string if we dont use one.

int Theme::getNonWallPattern QPoint const & position,
Map const & map
const [private]

Returns the pattern for a non wall piece at the given position in the map.

@pattern position The position of the image. @pattern map The map to use.

int Theme::getWallPattern QPoint const & position,
Map const & map
const [private]

Returns the pattern for a wall piece at the given position in the map.

@pattern position The position of the image. @pattern map The map to use.

bool Theme::hideGems const

Returns true, if we hide the gems.

bool Theme::hideGoals const

Returns true, if we hide the goals.

std::vector<int> const& Theme::imageIndices ImageType type,
QPoint const & position,
Map const & map

Returns the indices of the images requested.

type   The type of the images.
position   The position of the image (is ignored for moving images).
map   The map to use.

std::vector<int> const& Theme::imageIndicesFromPosition int direction,
QPoint const & position,
Map const & map

Returns the indices of the images of the piece at the given position.

direction   The direction of the keeper.
position   The position of the field.
map   The map to use.

double Theme::leftBorder const

Return the left border given relative to the field size.

double Theme::lowerBorder const

Returns the lower border given relative to the field size.

QString const& Theme::name const

Returns the name of the theme.

int Theme::nrOfPieceImages const

Returns the number of piece images.

bool Theme::outsideAsWall const

Returns true if outside fields are treated as wall.

int Theme::patternForPieceImage QDomElement const & dom_element,
QString const & name

Returns the pattern value for the given attribute of the dom element for piece images.

dom_element   The dom element to use.
name   The name of the attribute to use.

int Theme::patternForWallPiece QDomElement const & dom_element,
QString const & name

Returns the pattern value for the given attribute of the dom element for wall pieces.

dom_element   The dom element to use.
name   The name of the attribute to use.

PieceImage const& Theme::pieceImage int index const

Returns the piece image with the given index.

index   The index of the piece image.

double Theme::rightBorder const

Returns the right border given relative to the field size.

void Theme::setHideGems bool hide

Hides all gems.

hide   If true, all gems are hidden.

void Theme::setHideGoals bool hide

Hides all goals.

hide   If true, all goals are hidden.

void Theme::setOutsideAsWall bool outside_as_wall

Sets if outside fields are treated as wall.

outside_as_wall   If true, outside fields are treated as wall.

double Theme::upperBorder const

Returns the upper border given relative to the field size.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<int> Theme::m_alternate_sizes [private]

The number of alternates for the image types.

std::vector<int> Theme::m_alternate_starts [private]

The start index of the image type in the alternates.

std::vector<int> Theme::m_alternative_piece_image_nr [private]

The number of alternative piece images for the alternates.

std::vector<int> Theme::m_alternative_piece_image_starts [private]

The start index of alternative piece images for the alternates.

QColor Theme::m_background_color [private]

The background color to use.

QString Theme::m_background_image [private]

The background image to use.

bool Theme::m_hide_gems [private]

If true, all gems are hidden.

bool Theme::m_hide_goals [private]

If true, all goals are hidden.

double Theme::m_left_border [private]

The left border.

double Theme::m_lower_border [private]

The lower border.

QString Theme::m_name [private]

The name of the theme.

bool Theme::m_outside_as_wall [private]

If true, outside fields are treated as wall.

std::vector<int> Theme::m_patterns [private]

The alternates patterns.

std::vector<int> Theme::m_piece_image_indices [private]

Points to the piece indices.

std::vector<PieceImage> Theme::m_piece_images [private]

The piece images.

double Theme::m_right_border [private]

The right border.

double Theme::m_upper_border [private]

The upper border.

char const* Theme::s_elements[33] [static, private]

Here we store the names of the elements of the root element of the theme file.

char const* Theme::s_short_elements[33] [static, private]

Here we store the alternative short names of the elements of the root element of the theme file.

int const Theme::s_types_for_hidden_gems[33] [static, private]

The translation table if we don't show gems.

int const Theme::s_types_for_hidden_goals[33] [static, private]

The translation table if we don't show goals.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Sun Jan 6 18:49:13 2002 for EasySok by doxygen1.2.9.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001