#include <game.h>
Inheritance diagram for Game::
Signals | |
void | wasSolved () |
void | wasUnsolved () |
void | wasSolvedByHand () |
void | mapChanged () |
void | arrowsChanged (std::vector< Move > const &arrows) |
void | keeperDirectionChanged (AtomicMove::AtomicMoveType direction) |
void | virtualKeeperChanged (const QPoint &position) |
Public Methods | |
Game (Map *map, Movements const &moves) | |
void | setMapAndMoves (Map *map, Movements const &moves) |
bool | retroMode () const |
bool | setRetroMode (bool retro_mode) |
bool | tryMove (AtomicMove const &move) |
bool | tryMove (Move const &move) |
bool | tryPullMove (AtomicMove const &move) |
bool | tryFarMove (AtomicMove const &move) |
void | moveVirtualKeeper (AtomicMove const &move) |
bool | canUndo () const |
bool | canRedo () const |
int | numberOfPushes () const |
int | numberOfMoves () const |
int | numberOfEmptyGoals () const |
Movements const & | moves () const |
void | setMoves (Movements const &moves) |
bool | isSolved () const |
bool | showArrows () const |
bool | honorDeadlocks () const |
int | animation () const |
AtomicMove::AtomicMoveType | keeperDirection () const |
void | configChanged () |
void | setShowArrows (bool show) |
void | setHonorDeadlock (bool honor_deadlocks) |
void | setAnimation (int animation) |
void | emptyMoveQueue () |
bool | tryMoveKeeper (QPoint const &from, QPoint const &to) |
bool | tryMoveGem (QPoint const &from, QPoint const &to) |
void | jumpToStart () |
void | jumpToEnd () |
bool | tryUndo () |
bool | tryRedo () |
void | playMoves (bool from_start) |
void | forceUpdate () |
void | preventUpdate (bool prevent_update) |
Private Slots | |
void | processMoveQueue () |
Private Methods | |
void | removeVirtualKeeper () |
void | undo () |
void | redo () |
void | doMove (Move const &move) |
void | doAtomicMoves (Movements const &moves) |
void | doMoves (Movements const &moves) |
void | doUndoMove (Move const &move) |
void | addToMoveQueue (Move const &move) |
void | processMove () |
void | calcArrows () |
Movements | simplifyMove (Move const &move, Map const *map) const |
Movements | simplifyUndoMove (Move const &move, Map const *map) const |
bool | isDeadlockField (QPoint const &position) const |
bool | isDeadlockField (int index) const |
void | makeEndMap () |
Private Attributes | |
Map * | m_map |
int | m_width |
int | m_height |
int | m_size |
int | m_xy_offsets [4] |
Movements | m_moves |
std::deque< Move > | m_move_queue |
bool | m_undo_moves |
bool | m_handmade_moves |
bool | m_no_update |
bool | m_is_solved |
int | m_number_of_moves |
int | m_number_of_pushes |
bool | m_show_arrows |
bool | m_honor_deadlocks |
AtomicMove::AtomicMoveType | m_keeper_direction |
QPoint | m_virtual_keeper |
bool | m_wrap_virtual_keeper |
QTimer * | m_timer |
int | m_animation |
bool | m_retro_mode |
Map | m_backup_map |
Movements | m_backup_moves |
bool | m_prevent_update |
bool | m_in_play |
Static Private Attributes | |
int | s_fast_time |
int | s_normal_time |
int | s_slow_time |
Constructs the game.
Adds an atomic move to the move queue.
Returns the current animation speed. 0: no animation 1: fast animation 2: normal animation 3: slow animation |
This is emitted, if the arrows we changed. It's guaranteed, that a mapChanged() signal will be emitted later.
Calculates the possible moves and shows the arrows.
Returns true, if we can redo a move.
Returns true, if we can undo a move.
Call this, when the config file has changed.
Puts the given atomic moves in the move queue. Note that the move queue will <e>not</e> be emptied and the moves are <e>not</e> stored in m_moves.
Puts the given move in the move queue. Note that the move queue will be emptied before. The move will be added to m_moves.
Puts the given moves in the move queue. Note that the move queue will be emptied before. The move will be added to m_moves.
Puts the given undo move in the move queue. Note that the move queue will be emptied before. m_moves will not be changed.
Empties the move queue. After this call, the map and the moves are corresponding. |
Updates the map.
Returns true, if we honor deadlock fields.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. |
Returns true, if the given field is a deadlock field. If m_honor_deadlocks is false, this alsways returns false.
Returns true, if the map is currently solved.
Jumps to the end position of the moves made.
Jumps to the start position.
Returns the current direction of the keeper.
This is emitted, if the keeper direction was changed. It's guaranteed, that a mapChanged() signal will be emitted later.
Moves all gems to the goals and sets the keeper to a reasonable position. Note that the keeper should not be located on a goal field. |
This is emitted, if the map was changed.
Moves the virtual keeper.
Returns the moves. Note that unless you call emptyMoveQueue(), the map may lay behind the moves. |
Returns the number of empty goals (goals without a gem).
Returns the number of moves currently made.
Returns the number of pushes currently made.
Plays the moves.
Enables or disables all updates.
Processes a single move in the move queue.
Processes them move queue.
Redoes a move.
Removes the virtual keeper.
Returns true, if we are in retro mode. Note that setMapAndMoves() will unset the retro mode. |
Sets the animation speed.
Sets if the should honor deadlock fields.
Sets a new map with movements.
Sets new moves. Note that we automatically jump to the actual move.
Sets the retro mode. If you switch to retro mode and the keeper sits on a goal, we don't switch to retro mode.
Sets if we should display arrows.
Returns true, if we show arrows.
Returns a simplified version of a move.
Returns a simplified version of a undo move.
Tries to move the keeper as far in a direction as possible. If the first move would push a stone, we move the stone as far as possible and in the other case we move as far, as we reach a wall or a stone.
Tries to make the given move.
Tries to make the given atomic move.
Tries to move a gem from one point to the other.
Tries to move the keeper.
Tries to move the keeper and pull a gem.
Tries to redo a move.
Tries to undo a move.
Undoes a move.
This is emitted, if the virtual keeper was moved.
This is emitted, whenever the map is solved.
This is emitted, whenever the map was solved by a try***() function (so not by undo, redo, play ...).
Emitted of we leave a solution.
The animation speed.
The backup map.
The backup moves.
If true, the moves in the queue are handmade moves.
The height of the map.
If true, we honor deadlock fields.
If true, we are playing the moves.
If true, the level is solved.
The keeper direction.
The current map.
The moves in the move queue.
The current moves.
If true, we don't call mapChanged() in processMoveQueue().
The number of moves made.
The number of pushes made.
If true, we prevent updates.
If true, we are in retro mode.
If true, we also calculate valid pushes and the corresponding arrows.
m_width * m_height.
The animation timer.
If true, the moves in the queue are undo moves.
The position of the virtual keeper.
The width of the map.
If true, we wrap the virtual keeper around the sides of the map.
The offsets for nb calculation.
The time for fast animation.
The time for normal animation.
The time for slow animation.